Writing to Heal
I’ve always been better at expressing myself in written form. I’ve also always found comfort in writing my feelings; while my primary purpose is to encourage readers to consider the power of writing I have to throw a couple of things out there as there is a “pro” and “con” to nearly everything. The biggest “con” to keeping a journal is the possibility of a breach of confidentiality; as a child, I cringed at the thought of someone reading “my diary” with the mini padlock that anyone could pick with a hairpin. I still cringe at the thought as an adult. There is freedom when one can express their innermost thoughts and feelings without any inhibition; in fact, I don’t believe journaling can be 100% effective without “the nitty gritty.” It’s in these types of lines and writing that we are able to remove masks and lie back in honesty. Otherwise, we may as well continue walking around in hiding.
A journal helps keep a timeline for one’s life’s experiences (if it’s kept up). I can go back through my journals and recall where I was in my life at the time that I was writing. It shows me how God brought me through adversity. I can notice cycles and habits in my life- good or bad. I am able to share revelation from God with myself in my journal too. My journals have served as mirrors in my life: they have shown me the wicked crevices in my heart, they have shown me my struggles, and they have also shown me some good things about myself. I can process my thoughts. It clears up “static...” unclear areas that, sometimes, I did not know were even there. It’s similar to connecting the dots.
The healing that comes from [honest/transparent] writing is phenomenal. It provides a source of closure. It allows the release of feelings that would otherwise be trapped inside. The healing is thought-provoking and can lead to healing that a person may not know that they need. For those who are into therapy and mental health services, it is a positive coping skill. All that is needed is consistency and transparency. Write the good, bad, and ugly, and watch how things begin to unfold.