A Letter to My Future Self
Some time ago I wrote a letter to my younger self. Click here to read it. A few years later and I’m officially 35. At 18, I thought 30 was old. When I turned 25, I thought: “30 isn’t that old” but I gave 40 the side-eye, once I turned 35. I’ve decided that 35 is a good age to write forward...
To my future self:
So far, so good. Of course, there have been some setbacks and disappointments, but we’ve had some come up’s too. Sometimes I wonder if you’ll hit your 5, 10, 20-year goals but I believe in (the) God in you. I believe that you will be who He said you’ll be and that the good work he began in us will be performed until the day of Jesus Christ. That’s what keeps me going and the same will help you.
I’ve grown in some areas but there are other areas that you’ll have to carry the torch in. I told our younger self that she would be fine, and I’m telling you the same. I reflected on some things that God brought her from, and one day, you’ll beam in God’s grace when you do the same with me. God’s grace has always been here. He continues to show himself strong. You’ll see. Our younger self loved to write but was bashful to share. I still love writing and share it a little easier. I want to encourage you to never stop writing or sharing. Remember how much it’s always meant and allow that to be the reason why you write.
There have been some significant changes. Some seasons have been unpredicted but don’t worry--I’m moving accordingly to make sure that there’s a better you. I’ve had to learn some hard lessons because our younger self wouldn’t. Our younger self missed a lot of warning signs, but so have I. Just know that I know a little more about loyalty, love, and resilience. You may be happy to know that I’m making some strides towards my physical health to make sure that you, my future self, are the best version of me that you can be. I didn’t realize that this was a joint effort until now. My younger self was the push to be the woman we’re becoming. I am the push behind you. I don’t know all the details but I know that there will be a great deal of good (to say the least). Your heart will only be warmer. Your smile will only be brighter. God’s hand will never move. I’m optimistic. You should be too.